#Sexual Performance Anxiety is Insecure about their ability to perform sexually. It is a #common sexual problem in both Men & Women, but more common in Men.

Most of the time Performance anxiety also causes the Erection problem, Ejaculation problem, loss of interest in Men & in Women also it affects less interest in sex, lack of lubrication in the vagina, etc…

There are two categories

  1. Primary
  2. Secondary

Primary Sexual Performance Anxiety: In this type, there is no history of sexual intercourse in married life. The common cases in this category are newly married couples or within the month of marriage.

Causative Factors;

  • Lack of Sex education
  • Lack of Sex communication
  • False guide by a friend
  • Unrealistic Expectation
  • Poor body image like Penis size, Breast size

Secondary Sexual Performance Anxiety: In this type, there is a good history of Sexual intercourse in married life. But failed during Ovulation time or any important days.

Causative Factors;

  • Demond from the partner
  • Advise by a Doctor regarding Date
  • Fear of rejection
  • Sex is like a project


  • Sex education and Sex Counseling
  • Psychotherapy like Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Meditation & Yoga
  • Couple Sex therapy
  • Pharmacotherapy