Phimosis is a condition where the foreskin is too tight to be pulled back over the head of the penis (glans).

Phimosis can occur naturally. It’s unclear why it occurs in some boys but not others. The condition can also occur if the foreskin is forcibly retracted before it’s ready. This can harm the skin and cause scarring, making it more difficult to retract the foreskin later on.

Phimosis is normal in babies and toddlers ( 2-6 Yrs), but in older children it may be the result of a skin condition that has caused scarring. It is not usually a problem unless it causes symptoms.

Immediate treatment is needed in children, where phimosis causes problems such as difficulty urinating or infection around the penis head.

In adults, if the fore skin is flexible & good hygienic condition without any infection then no need of any medication. Only if prepuce skin is tight with pain/ itching, then consult Sexologist/Urologist.

Causative factors for Prepuce skin infection’s;

  • Lack of Cleanliness around penis head & foreskin
  • Recurrent urinary infection’s
  • Uncontrolled Diabetes
  • Sexually transmitted dieses….


  • Pain & Swelling
  • Itching
  • Thin stream of urine
  • Redness of penis head….


Only by Physical examination not any lab test is required


Consultation required when the Penis & fore head as

  • changes in the color of the glans or foreskin
  • the presence of spots or a rash
  • pain
  • itching
  • swelling

Treatment options for phimosis depend on the symptoms that occur. Most cases of balanitis are easily treated with good hygiene, creams, and ointments.

Treatment is mainly Non-surgical & Surgical

In cases of severe or repeated balanitis or balanoposthitis, doctors may recommend treating the phimosis itself. They may prescribe steroid creams to help soften the foreskin and make it easier to retract, or surgery may be an option.


Surgery for phimosis is usually described as circumcision. A full circumcision involves removing all of the foreskin. It is also possible to remove only the tight part of the foreskin (partial circumcision) or to keep the foreskin and simply widen it. To do this, surgeons make lengthwise cuts into the tight foreskin in two or three places and then close the cuts by stitching across them.

In partial circumcisions or in procedures that don’t remove the foreskin, the remaining foreskin may become tight or stuck to the head of the penis again after some time. This is not the case if all of the foreskin is removed because the head of the penis is then no longer covered by foreskin so phimosis is no longer possible.

The operation is carried out under general anesthetic in children. In adults, it can also be carried out using a local anesthetic to numb the area.