Case Study:

Age : 26 Yrs old Boy

C/O : Numbness in the Penis from one week

H/o : He Consulted non-Medical person for his General Weakness problem 15 days back.But Non- Medical person diagnosed as He had a Sexual problem in future,so he advised to take treatment for 3 months his Sexual problem will resolved.And he give a Medicine along with OIL for Penile massage.

So he purchased all medicines & started to use. From next day he is getting discomfort in Penis & also little numbness,after two days he is getting more feeling of more Numbness in the Penis.

Sexual History: He is very active in both Masturbation & Sexual activity with his Girl Friend. After taking Treatment his Libido & Erection comes down.

Family History: Now He lives with Mother planning to start his New Business & also getting marry his Girl friend after 2-3 months.

Physical Examination: Genital Examination – Normal

Investigation: Ultrasound Penis – Normal

Diagnosis: Non-Organic Penile Numbness (Psychological)


– Sex Education & Counselling

– Cognitive-Behaviour Therapy

– Changing his Life Style