During ovulation time, most of the couples are planning for the pregnancy, so they are plan to do sex. Because of goal oriented and demanding for the sex causes so many issues like sex problems, family conflicts etc…

Now a days, Infertility cases are become booming because of our life styles and food habit. Very important is sexual activities also come down in our new generation due to commit with other goals.

Most of the couples are use contraceptives’ in the beginning of the marriage or in some couple postpone their sexual activities due to lack of awareness regarding contraceptives’ and in some couple they are working in different regions so their sexual activities are very less.

When couples decided for baby, they are active in sex only for pregnancy not for enjoyment. When there is no pleasure automatically sexual problems or family conflicts are started due to demanding for the sex.

Now technology is also updated regarding to find out ovulation time of a women to plan for pregnancy. In some cases Gynecologist are advised to do sex in mentioned dates after ovulation scan. In some cases couples are find out the ways of ovulation kit, mobile apps etc…

Sex is a pleasurable job than goal oriented, when there is no pleasure automatically human body is not responding well, so sexual dysfunctions started because of opposite partner demanding.

In men, erection problem, ejaculation problem especially anejaculation problem, some times loss of interest due to lack of enjoyment are started. In women, lack of interest, painful intercourse due to vaginal dryness are the common sexual problems that affecting in this phase.


  • Don’t plan on ovulation days, because sex is an enjoyment we can’t do by force or goal oriented
  • Consult Sexologist if you have any Issues with sexuality & pregnancy
  • Infertility Counseling is very much needed to get an idea of how pregnancy happen
  • Couple sex therapy is give an picture of how to handle marital & sexual life.