Commonly we are getting these questions in our clinical practice,

– Sex is prerogative only of the young?

– Intercourse & Emission of Semen are weakening and will tend to      hasten old age and death?

– For Healthy reason, after 50/60 yrs, Can we stop the Sex?

– Hysterectomy is the end of sex life for a women?

The Masters and Johnson, the pioneer’s in sexology  done a very good job in the earlier days found that  the sexual response persists till the end of life, the body process slow down with age but they do not stop.

In human beings there are four stages of Sexual response cycle, but in old age it alters.

The Ageing Male :

  1. Excitement Phase: it is prolonged, spontaneous errection is less common & needs direct stimulation by penile massage.
  2. Plateau Phase:  Errection maintain for a long time, without experiencing a strong drive to ejaculate.
  3. Orgasm Phase: It takes longer period, the expulsion of the semen is less forceful in older men & the seminal fluid is reduced in quantity.
  4. Resolution Phase: is shortened, loses errection within seconds after ejaculation. For next errection it will take more time.

The Ageing Female

  1. Excitement Phase: The vaginal lubrication produced is less than before & occurs more slowly with ageing because of the thin & smooth vaginal walls.
  2. Plateau Phase: The vaginal expansion is less & older women don’t show sex-skin color changes.
  3. Orgasmic Phase: Shorter than before, vaginal contractions are less when compared to young. Some time there is pain full contractions of the uterus.
  4. Resolution Phase: is rapid , after menopause some time  intercourse is painful due to hormonal deprivation.

There are certain factors that you must understand while engaging in sex during the old ages. There will be certain body changes and response differences during the old age compared to the younger ages. For men over 50, the sturdy and reliable erections will take a little longer to achieve and may not be as hard as 20 years of old. The thinner vaginal walls may cause pain and inability to lubricate in older women. A better understanding of these minor changes will surely help the couple to enjoy a satisfying sex at an old age.

There are so many Sex Benefits like Boosting of immunity, better sleep, good heart health, improves bonding between partners, helps in urinary system, etc

Old age also means relaxed time. Plan your sensual activity in accordance with most energetic time in your day.  Deviate your attention from all pressures in your life as grand children, television news, kitchen management etc. Share your erotic desires with your partner. A good sexual communication will give a good start to the sexual activity at an old age.

Health problems during the old ages must be given adequate attention while engaging in sexual relationships. The sexual dysfunctions during the old age may be the result of some other old age diseases. The heart patients can also engage in good sexual relationships after consulting with their physician. If you face any problem during the sexual interaction during the old age, consult with your Doctor, he will refer to Sexologist/ Sex-therapist.

With the help of Sex therapist or sexologist, you will get Sex education, Sex therapy, if needed medication will help to enjoy sexual life & getting more health benefits.

A good sexual life always serves as the basics for a healthy relationship. Keep your happiness and love always alive by enjoying the sensual pleasures even at old age.