What is Erectile Dysfunction?
The erection of the Penis has not sustained a long time OR its difficulty for penetration into the Vagina during sexual intercourse is called Erectile Dysfunction.
Is it Normal?
No…… but occasional erectile dysfunction on and off is normal.
When the Erection problem is more than 2-3 months is problematic.
What about Prevalence?
Its incidence increases drastically from about 6% in the age group 20-29 years, 50-70% in the age group 40-79 years. Its incidence has been projected to increase significantly to over 320 million by the year 2025. India has been dubbed as the impotence capital of the world due to the high incidence of lifestyle diseases.
How does Erection happen?
When the person is become aroused. In response to physical or mental stimulation, the brain sends signals to trigger a hormonal response that allows those same arteries to open completely.
Open arteries allow more blood to enter the corpora cavernosa. The blood enters faster than it can leave through the veins. The veins get compressed, trapping blood in your penis. This chain reaction lets to achieve and maintain an erection.
When the brain stops sending signals that indicate sexual arousal, the hormonal response ends. The arteries go back to their normal state and the penis returns to a flaccid state.
What are the Causes?
1. Psychological
2. Physiological or Organic
Psychological factors:
low self-esteem
lack of confidence
relationship problem
emotional problem
myths and misconceptions
Physiological factors:
Hormonal disorder
Vascular disorder
Neurological disorder
Any co-morbidity like Hypertension/ Diabetes/ Thyroid issue…
Medicine/ Surgery
( some medicines/surgeries affected erection)
How to Diagnose?
– very important is by taking the complete sexual history.
– Physical Examination ( any abnormalities)
– Investigations
– Blood Test
– Ultrasound Penis scan
– Penile Doppler study
If we find Accurate Causative factors or Reasons for Erectile Dysfunction, then it is easy for the treatment.
– Sex education & Counseling
– Advice for Lifestyle changes
– Control of Diabetes/Hypertension/Thyroid problems.
– Oral Medicines ( Tablets/ Powders etc)
– Vacuum therapy
– Shock wave therapy.
In Ayurveda medicines like Gokshura / Shatavari/ Fenugreek/ Ashwagandha/ Safed musli etc.. contain chemical composition like Glycosides, Saponins, Withanolide, Polysaccharides, Asperagamine, Zinc, Magnesium etc.. These drugs work’s on our Hypothalamus of the Brain and releases Sex hormones which will help for Natural stimulation and Penis erection without side effects & addiction.
Lastly, we can’t Ignore the erection problem because most of the studies proved that Erectile dysfunction is indicative of Heart problems/ Thyroid issues & also Diabetes.
Erectile dysfunction can be cured with proper medicine & sex education/counseling with regular follow up with Sexologist
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