Now a days Diabetes is very common metabolic issues in both Men & Women. At present in India around 77millions are affected by Sugar problem i,e Diabetes.
If Diabetes is not under control it damages Blood vessels and Nerves causing Sexual dysfunctions. As per recent study’s both Diabetic men and women equally affected due to diabetic complications.
Along with Diabetes, the other common conditions like obesity, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and depression make them higher risk for sexual difficulties.
Changes in sex hormones testosterone and estrogen hormonal levels can impact on sexual interest, arousal and also in satisfaction.
Sometimes along with diabetic medicines, some hypertension and depression medicines affecting the sexual response.
Sex problems in Men with Diabetes;
- Erectile dysfunction
- Retarded Ejaculation ( ejaculation backsword’s to the bladder)
- Premature ejaculation
- Performance anxiety
Sex problems in Women with Diabetes;
- Vaginal dryness
- Recurrent Vaginal infections
- Painful intercourse
- Loss of Libido (sexual interest)
- Less satisfaction
The reasons for sexual dysfunction are different for each person, the patient should openly discussed with family physician regarding their issues without hesitation.
In the early stages of any sexual problem the treatment is very easy. If patient is not comfortable for direct consultation, they can opt for online consultation with Sexologist.
- Life style changes like regular physical activities, Diet, good sleep.
- Regular follow-up with Diabetic expert.
- Maintenance of Hygiene of genital organs to avoid infections
- Consult Sexologist – direct or online.