Couple Sex Therapy is a type of Psychotherapy, mainly focus on sexual health problems of both the partner’s. It include Individual counseling (Husband or Wife separately), Sexuality education, Sexuality counseling, if needed physical examination or lab investigation to find out the causative factors.
For Couple sex problems there are so many causative factors like…
- Lack of Sexuality education
- Relationship issues
- Lack of Privacy
- Family issues
- Financial Issues
- Stress due to parental pressure for child
- Work stress
- Medical problems
- Myths & misconceptions
- Psychological issues etc…
The Sex therapist will take detailed history of both Sexual and personal to ruled out the causative factor for the sexual problem.
After taking history of both the partner’s, therapist explain the probable diagnosis and line of the treatment. Couples generally walk in to the Direct consultation with appointment some chose Online session also. Usually they needed 4-5 sessions, but in some cases it will extend depend on the client and the type of problem being addressed.
After taking history of both the partner’s, therapist explain the probable diagnosis and line of the treatment. Sex therapists usually assign “homework”—practical activities that clients are expected to complete in the privacy of their own home.
Such homework might include the following:
• Experimentation. Couples who feel they’re in a sexual rut may try different activities, such as role playing or using sex toys, to increase their desire. Other couples may need to adjust their sexual routine or positions, especially if one partner has a health condition that requires such changes.
• Sensate focus. This technique for couples is designed to build trust and intimacy while reducing anxiety. Couples progress through three stages, starting with nonsexual touching, progressing to genital touching, and, usually, ending with penetration.
• Education. Sometimes, clients do not receive adequate sex education while they are growing up. As a result, they may not be aware of anatomy and how the body functions during sexual activity. Therapists might assign books or web content to read or videos to watch. They might also suggest that clients use a mirror to learn more about their body.
• Communication strategies. Clients may practice asking for what they want or need sexually or emotionally in a relationship.
Couples generally walk in to the Direct consultation with appointment some chose Online session also. Usually they needed 4-5 sessions, but in some cases it will extend depend on the client and the type of problem being addressed.
Success with sex therapy often depends on how committed clients are to the process. If clients are willing to put in the effort, either alone or with a partner, they may reach their sexual goals.