Sex is an important part of life. For many men, thinking about sex starts early, often before puberty, and lasts until their final days on earth.
Optimal male sexual health includes sexual desire (libido) and the ability to get and sustain an erection (erectile function). Although physiology can affect both the desire for sex and the ability to have sex, mental health and emotional factors also play important roles.
Sexual problems in men are very common and it will affect both marital life and also their profession. A recent survey is revealed that about 33% of men are suffering from sexual problems all over the globe.
Most men experience it at some time in their life, and the causes can be physical or psychological.
There are Four Phases in the Human Sexual Response Cycle
- Desire
- Arousal
- Orgasm
- Resolution
Desire Disorders;
- Hypo Sexual Desire Disorder (HSDD)
- little or no interest in sexual activity
- few or no sexual thoughts or fantasies
- disinterest in initiating sex
- difficulty getting pleasure from sex
- lack of pleasurable sensations when the genitals are stimulated
2. Sexual Aversion Disorder (SAD)
- persistent extreme aversion to genital sexual contact with a sexual partner.
- Primary sexual aversion is higher in men, but secondary aversion is higher in women. The syndrome is associated with phobic avoidance of sexual activity and/or the thought of sexual activity.
- One fourth of those with this condition also meet criteria for panic disorder. Affected individuals engage in intercourse once or twice a year.
Arousal Disorder;
Erection Problem:
Erectile dysfunction is the inability to get and keep an erection firm enough for penetration in to the vagina.
Orgasm Disorders;
- Ejaculatory problem
- Premature ejaculation – Ejaculation occours within 1-2 minutes
- Delayed Ejaculation – Ejaculation occours very late causing pain & discomfort for both the partners
- Retrograde Ejaculation – Semen is redirected to the urinary bladder
- Anajaculation – Absence of ejaculation during sexual intercourse
2. Anorgasmia
Men cannot achieve orgasm despite of adequate stimulation.