Male patient, 26yrs

Ref by; Skin Specialist

Chief C/O; Anxious to Marry

Sexual H/O; He had a Sexual relationship with boys (same sex) since teenage. When he was 8 years old

his cousin used him has a sexual partner, after that he continues sexual activity with boyfriends till now

(15-20 partners). When his parents  forced  him to marriage, then he decided to consult Doctor.

Diagnosis; Ego-dystonic Homosexuality (Homosexual wants to be Heterosexual)

Management: 1. Investigated for STD/HIV

2. Sex Education/Counseling

3.  Gradual Systematic Desensitization

4. Cognitive therapy

This case is very interesting & challenging because he is very regular with follow up. But when he got an opportunity he had a sex with boyfriends. He attends sessions almost 15-20 from 12-18months. When the marriage is fixed he changed his orientation slowly.

Now he is leading good marital life with active sexual life.