Couples came with the c/o Infertility,
Husband; 30yrs, professionally he is charted accountant
Wife; 28yrs, housewife
Married life; 2yrs 6months
Ref by; Urologist
Chief c/o ; husband complained about erectile dysfunction,when he is trying for intercourse.
Sexual h/o; He is very actively participate in masturbation without knowing to his wife. After foreplay with wife he suddenly looses interest which leads to erectile dysfunction.
During follow-up sessions, revealed that other than sexual issues they are locking with family issues [ adjust mental problems, egoism etc.] All these problems extend to bed room & affecting their sexual relationship.
Causative Factors; 1. Ignorance about Sex
2.Family Conflicts
3.Performance Anxiety
Diagnosis; Unconsummated Marriage
Treatment; 1. Sex Education
2.Couple Sex Therapy
3.Marital therapy
They attend regular sessions ,wife is become pregnant now they are leading happy married life.